Welcome to The Intersection of Things
A podcast about technology, and how it’s changing our lives - from an intersectional feminist perspective.
This is Marianela Ramos and Ruth Coustick-Deal, and this is our podcast.
We're two friends separated by vast amounts of water, and eight hours of time. We bring you friendly conversations about technology and human lives on the Internet, all with an intersectional feminist twist.
Each episode we catch up, drink wine or coffee, and then tackle a different theme: from Consent to Work; from Outrage to Libraries.
Together we discuss the unseen intersections of that topic: with the Internet, with gender, with race, and sexuality. We also often invite badass guests to join us for these chats and bring perspectives that are not being heard elsewhere in the white male dominated world of technology.
Episodes are available from wherever you get your audio delights, including iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Acast, and Spotify.
If you want to drop us a line, email thingsintersect@gmail.com We’d love to hear from our listeners!
Marianela Ramos
Marianela is A designer, writer, boxer and all round amazing. she has held two research fellowships on media and communications. her design and media work has been featured on the bbc, CBC, openmedia, and other places.
you can find her on twitter: @undazedandsuch
[she did not write this bio, but approved it]
The Atlantic Ocean
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash.
the atlantic ocean is doing well for itself. we will sing its praises another day.
Ruth Coustick-Deal
Ruth is a digital rights advocay specialist. She has worked at open rights group and openmedia, campaigning on digital privacy and online free expression. she is dedicated to approaching social issues from an empathy-first perspective. She Also loves lego.
You can find her writing on the internet and justice at: medium.com/@ruthcoustickdeal
or follow on twitter: @nesient