Episode 3 - Festival
How are American truckers resisting surveillance? Why is homophobia weaponised in both Palestine and New York? And what does building a healthier, safer activist movement look like? In Episode 3 we discuss lessons from the international digital rights community at the Internet Freedom Festival.
Why Bosses Can Track Their Employees 24/7 Kaveh Waddell
How job surveillance is changing trucking in America, Vox (YouTube video)
With CIA Help, New York Police Secretly Monitored Mosques, Muslim Communities Post-9/11
Gay Palestinians Are Being Blackmailed Into Working As Informants, Nigel O’Conner
The Ongoing Trauma of the Muslim Students an Undercover Cop Spied on for Four Years, Aviva Stahl
How a rock star of Iranian digital activism built a culture of misogyny and fear, Russell Brandom
Power, secrecy and cypherpunks: how Jacob Appelbaum ripped Tor apart, Anna Catherin Loll
For Data Privacy Day, Play Privacy As A Team Sport, Gennie Gebhart
Latin America in a Glimpse: Género, feminismo e internet en América Latina, Derechos Digitales
Intersection of Things: @thingsintersect
Ruth Coustick-Deal: @nesient
Marianela Ramos Capelo: @undazedandsuch
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