Episode 7 - Libraries
Are libraries still relevant and revolutionary in the digital age? What does it mean to be a ‘radical librarian’? What role can public spaces play in resisting surveillance, or must they be complicit? Plus, the projects making us excited about these local community spaces one again, and a discussion of information-sorting ethics. We interview library worker and advocate Ian Clark for his insight on all these questions and more.
The digital divide in the post-Snowden era. Ian J Clark
Student accused of being a terrorist for reading book on terrorism, Randeep Ramesh and Josh Halliday
Youtube is not a library. Sarah T Roberts
The Snoopers' Charter: Everything you need to know about the Investigatory Powers Act, Scott Carey
The 10 Biggest Revelations From Edward Snowden's Leaks, Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai
10 things you need to know about library closures/campaigns. Voices for the Library
Crypto Party…in a public library…in the UK. Ian J Clark
Donation suggestion for this episode: Raices, Family Unification Fund.
Intersection of Things: @thingsintersect
Ruth Coustick-Deal: @nesient
Marianela Ramos Capelo: @undazedandsuch